Black History Month and More: Your February Communications Calendar
JANUARY 30, 2025
February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s host to a number of significant dates and events that communicators can use to build timely content or media pitches.
Black History Month, dedicated to honoring the contributions and achievements of African Americans throughout history, provides communications opportunities throughout the month.
Consider highlighting both local and nationally recognized figures who have stood out throughout history to improve the lives of people of color and our communities and country as a whole.
Below are some other noteworthy dates taking place in February:
Feb. 1 - National Freedom Day
Black History Month kicks off with National Freedom Day. This day honors the signing of a joint House and Senate resolution, signed by President Lincoln on Feb. 1, 1865. This resolution would later become the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution outlawing slavery in the United States.
Feb. 2 - Groundhog Day
Shadow or no shadow, that is the question? On Feb. 2 Punxsutawney Phil makes his annual appearance to let us know if we have to gear up for six more weeks of winter or if spring is coming early.
Learn more about when our very own Scott Westcott met Punxsutawney Phil and what journalistic lesson the notorious groundhog taught him.
Feb. 6 - Optimist Day
In today’s world, the easy – and often understandable – path is to that of pessimism. However, a far more productive path is recognizing and celebrating all the good work your organization is doing and supporting to make your community a better place. The day is also a great opportunity to shout out on social media some of the eternal optimists among us who keep hope alive.
Feb. 7 - National Girls and Women in Sports Day
The popularity of women’s sports is exploding. Consider that viewership of the WNBA increased 170% in 2024 from the previous year. That long overdue recognition will hopefully serve as a motivator, as studies show that girls and women who play sports have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem. You could mark this day by creating content focused on some of your staffers sharing insights on how sports participation positively impacted their lives and careers.
Feb. 9 - Super Sunday
Our unofficial national holiday returns with a showdown between two teams that it seems most Americans – outside of Philly and KC – would prefer both lose. Yet watch we will, even if just for the commercials or the opportunity to cheer or grumble at the Taylor Swift cutaways. The upcoming week offers up plenty of fun Super Bowl hooks to connect with your audience via social media or blog content.
Feb. 14 - Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a day to express gratitude to the loved ones in your life, it’s also a great excuse to eat some chocolate (extra points if it’s heart shaped). Beyond the sweet treats and romantic gestures, Feb. 14 also marks National Organ Donor Day, dedicated to raising awareness about the life-saving power of organ donation.
Feb. 17 - National Random Acts of Kindness Day
A small gesture can go a long way! Take the opportunity to spread some positivity with a random act of kindness – whether it’s a helping hand, a kind word, or a thoughtful surprise. This day is a great reminder that kindness and generosity, no matter how big or small, can have a lasting impact.
Feb. 17 - Presidents Day
On the third Monday in February, the birth month of both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. celebrates President Day to honor the country’s presidents. Keep in mind that a lot of organizations have the day off – and plenty of people will be devoting at least part of the day to scooping up President’s Day sales.
Feb. 19 - National Vet Girls RISE Day
National Vet Girls RISE Day recognizes the over 2 million U.S. veteran women. The day looks to recognize their contributions to the service, as well as share resources, build relationships, and spread awareness concerning the needs of women veterans. It’s a great opportunity to showcase veterans who served our country and continue to do good work in your community. Consider sharing available resources and services for mental health support, job training programs, and assistance finding affordable housing.
Feb. 28 - Rare Disease Day USA
The diseases may be defined as rare, but unfortunately there are enough of them that it’s all but certain that a rare disease is affecting someone in your life.
Rare Disease Day raises awareness for the 300 million people worldwide living with rare diseases. This day encourages support for research, better diagnosis, and increased awareness to improve the lives of those impacted.