Enduring PR and Communications Advice for 2023

Some content should come with a use-by date. It may be highly relevant in the moment, but as time passes it loses some of its usefulness.

Conversely, some advice can be both timely and timeless. It’s within that framework that we offer up our top five newsletter takes from the past year that we think deserve a second look as we head into 2023.

Going Public with a New Strategy
A new strategy is only as good as your ability to explain what it aims to achieve -- and why it matters to your key audiences. Learn how to make a splash and build momentum if you’re launching a new strategy in the new year.  

Communicating Across the Great Divide
The partisan media echo chamber will continue to reinforce starkly different viewpoints on a wide range of issues. Yet there are some tactics that can help bridge the divide. We gained some great insights on framing nonpartisan communications from our work creating a 10-year anniversary report for RepresentUs.

The Case for Creating a PR Wolfpack
Sadly, the trend of overworked reporters and shrinking newsrooms will only gain steam in 2023 as media companies look to cut costs. Enlisting a squad of allies to drive your PR efforts can help you score more consistent media placements.

Are You Overlooking Your Most Important Audience?
The pandemic continues to cast a long shadow over the workplace. Turnover remains high, morale, in many instances, remains low. Effective communications with your internal audiences will be essential to building engagement and enthusiasm.  

The Power of Apology
Saying your sorry – and meaning it – never goes out of style. As audiences continue to put an emphasis on transparency and authenticity, knowing when and how to issue an effective apology is key to building trust and credibility.

We hope you’ve found some of our advice useful throughout 2022 — and we welcome your ideas on topics we can explore in the year ahead. Have a burning communications question you’d like answered? Let us know and we’ll be happy to offer resources and guidance. 


Reflecting on 2022


What a Year in Review Can Do For You