Tone Tips – 3 Keys to Connecting with Your Audience

What’s up peeps?
Hope you’re having a chill day. Here at T2, we’re zoned in, killin’ it when it comes to cranking out some next-level comms.
If those first few sentences struck you as odd or off-key from what you have come to expect from our On Message newsletter, well then, mission accomplished. 
Because today I’m sharing some thoughts on what can be one of the more challenging aspects of communications – and that is identifying and consistently conveying the right tone.
Tone is tricky, particularly if you have several people producing content. But it can also be a powerful tool in getting your message across in the most effective way possible. Here are three points to consider:

1. Know your audience: You hear this for nearly every aspect of communications, but it’s essential when it comes to tone. If your tone doesn’t match the tastes and expectations of your audience, you will struggle to connect with them in relatable and engaging ways.

2. Read the room: Even if you have a consistent tone for most of your communications, recognize that there is a time and a place for everything. Sometimes, people just need their information conveyed in a straightforward manner and putting too much emphasis on delivering that in a specific tone can just get in the way. Also, some issues demand a level of seriousness that could be undercut if delivered in a tone that lacks that.

3. Look for opportunities to flex your tone: One way to address the challenges I mentioned above is to find ways to strategically deploy the tone that you think resonates best with your audience. That could be accomplished by creating a specific newsletter or weekly feature on social media in which your audience comes to expect a familiar tone. Or, if you have an individual at your organization who excels at communicating in a tone that has the right pitch, you can publish certain content under that person’s byline and picture. That way, your audience can build rapport with that person, but your organization still has the flexibility to share information in other ways when a particular tone might not be the right fit for the message being delivered.

Countless organizations and brands have built loyal followings and ardent supporters by talking to them in a tone that they can relate to and connect with. Used strategically, it can help keep your existing audience deeply engaged and attract new people to your organization or cause. 
#MicDrop. I’m out.


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