Spring Cleaning Your Brand

Most of us are diligent about the spring ritual of vacuuming, mopping, dusting and Swiffering – all with the objective of having an “April-fresh scent” home in time for reconnecting with neighbors, family, and friends.
But when was the last time you scrubbed and polished your brand?
Just like your home, your brand communications can become a bit stale, out of vogue, and past their expiration date without proper maintenance.

Here are a few checklist items to help you keep your brand smelling like clean linen:

Brand Language
While you want to remain true to your core brand messages, are you writing in a tone or style that sounds dated, or is culturally tone-deaf? Are your communications materials written to connect with everyone in your audience in an equitable and respectful way?

Brand Design
Do you rely on the same design templates from a decade (or more) ago, with a few edits here and there? Does your brand visual identity still resonate with your target audience? How does it compare to others in your sector?

Brand Connection
Are you using the right channels to reach your target audience? Is your social media strategy engaging and relevant to your core constituency? Have you identified and adapted to changes in your target audience’s needs and desires?

Brand Consistency
Are your brand touchpoints consistent across all your communication materials and channels?

Brand Culture
Do you (and your team) “live” the brand? Are they advocates and believers? Could they each give the elevator speech about your organization?

Audience feedback
When was the last time you really listened to your customers or donors to find out what they think of the work? Is it meeting their objectives? 

A lot of questions, but hopefully a few fresh tidbits to consider, and dust off some of the brand cobwebs and dust bunnies that may be lurking.

Gerry Frank
Creative Director


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