Your foundation is confronting a new and uncertain future.
Does your messaging position you for the seismic shift that lies ahead?
Or does it already feel out of step?
We can help you grapple with these and other important questions through a comprehensive audit that will help you identify challenges and risks posed by your current messaging and provide clear recommendations on how to make sure you’re positioned for success as you work to influence partners, policymakers, and the public.
Your messaging audit includes:
Interviews with your leadership team to identify your goals, understand your values, and determine whether your team is in alignment about how your organization should be communicating about its work.
A review of key materials — including your strategic plan and messaging strategy.
A deep dive into key external communications — including your website, social media, email and direct mail marketing, news releases, and special reports.
A comprehensive report outlining your foundation’s readiness to communicate clearly about its work, its values, and its vision for future.
A 90-minute review session with your executive team to discuss the results, answer your questions, and outline recommended next steps.
Turn Two is already working closely with several foundations to create new messaging frameworks that position them for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
You can join this forward-thinking group by learning more about how a messaging audit can help you meet the challenges that lie ahead.
Contact us today to set up a 30-minute Zoom call to learn more about our messaging audit process.