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Communicating Amid Uncertain Times
As you consider communicating with internal and external audiences in the wake of yesterday’s events and over the weeks ahead, here are three things worth thinking about.
Santa Claus as Thought Leader
Maybe it’s because he’s been around so long, but Santa Claus rarely gets his due as a pioneering thought leader.
Communications and PR in 2021: It’s All About Trust
We made it! Well, to be precise, we’ve almost made it to the end of 2020 – a year that has presented a boatload of challenges and stresses that seemed unimaginable at this time last year.
2020 Vision: Looking Back to Move Forward
2020 will soon be in the rearview mirror. Good riddance, right? But not so fast. There are plenty of lessons from 2020 that can serve you well in the year ahead.
3 Things We Are Thankful for This Year
Thanksgiving is likely the most resilient of holidays. While it surely looks and feels different this year, its core message never wavers.
5 Ways to Get Media Coverage During the Holidays
Here are five things you can be doing now to help your organization get a leg up on getting its story told during this most-uncommon holiday season.
Your Post-Election PR Primer
Here are four tactics that will help your post-election pitch hit the mark.
Understanding Journalism Ethics in the ‘Fake News’ Era
Why journalism ethics matter to communications professionals.
Test Your Knowledge of Journalism Ethics
Here's a True/False test that can help you navigate some common situations that crop up for organizations that deal with the media.
Finding Your ‘Why’ Instead of Your “What”
The most effective communications focuses on clearly articulating the purpose behind what you do.
How Story Can Elevate Your Thought Leadership
Good storytelling helps you connect with your audience.
Do Your PR Efforts Include Diverse Audiences?
Is your organization reinforcing racial and social inequities or working to dismantle them?
The Rolling Stone Interview Revisited
Look no farther than the iconic magazine to unearth fresh thought leadership angles.
PR Advice for a Most Unusual Election Year
Here are tips for improving your chances of earning valuable coverage between now and November.
The Hidden Benefits of Writing Op-eds
5 ways to win with your op-ed even if it’s not published.
Is Your Pitch Really Ready for Prime Time?
Before you make that pitch, is it actually ready for media scrutiny?
Savvy Social Media from the Sewer
How to inject humor and personality into even the most mundane communications.
Let’s Get Ready for the Next Communications Crisis
How to develop a crisis communications protocol.
New Life for the Much-Maligned Press Release
Here's six ways to rethink your press release.